En curso
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- Objetivos
- Staff participation in development and improvement of the south Pacific albacore assessment
- Understand the assessment results, and communicate them to the Commission
- Antecedentes
- The assessment is for albacore in the south Pacific that are covered by both the IATTC and WCPFC
- The IATTC staff provides data and advice for the assessment
- Importancia para la ordenación
- The IATTC uses the results of the assessment to provide management advice
- Duración
- Plan de trabajo y estatus
- See SPC website for details
- Colaboradores externos
- Productos
- Report to SAC meetings
- Fecha de actualización: 01 abr. 2021
- Resumen de los avances en el periodo del informe
- January 2021: Attend the SPC stock assessment meetings for south Pacific albacore
- March 2021: Made a presentation in the SPC pre-assessment workshop (PAW) on the fishery stratification for albacore in the southern EPO