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Bigeye tuna catches

Resolution C-21-04

Estimated longline catches of bigeye tuna in the eastern Pacific ocean (Metric tons)

Catch year: 2024

2024 Month
Flag 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 All Total
ChinaCHN 195 141 219 157 63 208 318 313 305 350 - - - 2,269
JapanJPN 262 223 220 143 138 58 195 160 236 127 - - - 1,762
KoreaKOR 1,298 808 204 296 1,016 354 299 567 417 896 906 - - 7,061
Chinese TaipeiTWN 403 174 173 - - 37 273 179 355 800 671 - - 3,065
VanuatuVUT 167 76 5 1 - 75 107 - - - - - - 431
Total 2,325 1,422 821 597 1,217 732 1,192 1,219 1,313 2,173 1,577 - - 14,588