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  4. Evaluate the post-release survival of silky sharks captured by longline fishing vessels in the equatorial EPO, using best handling practices
Project M.2.a - Evaluate the post-release survival of silky sharks captured by longline fishing vessels in the equatorial EPO, using best handling practices

01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2018

Program(s) in charge: Life History and Behavior Group
Estimate the post-release survival of silky sharks captured by longline vessels in the equatorial EPO, using archival tags
  • Apparent severe decline in the population of silky sharks in the EPO, based on trends in standardized catch-per-unit-of-effort indices
  • Domestic longline fleets from Latin America conduct multi-species fisheries including retaining silky sharks
Relevance for management
Resolution C-16-06 on conservation measures for silky sharks stipulates to improve handling practices for live sharks to maximize post-release survival
Workplan and status
  • 2016-2017: 40 total silky sharks were tagged and released with satellite tags, and the resulting data have been analyzed to estimate a post-release survival rate, , and evaluate movements, dispersion, and potential entanglement in FADs
  • 2017: A final report for this project was submitted to the EU (funding source)
  • 2018: A manuscript is in progress and will be submitted to a scientific journal
External collaborators
INCOPESCA, Costa Rica; WWF, Ecuador; University of Hawaii
  • Silky shark post-release survival rate following capture by longline vessels, using best handling practices
  • Presentation of preliminary results at SAC-08
  • Manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal
Updated date: 01 Jun 2019
Progress summary for the reporting period
Manuscript accepted for publication in the Bulletin of Marine Science.
Schaefer, K.M., Fuller, D.W., Aires-da-Silva, A., Carvajal, J.M., Martinez, J. and Hutchinson, M.R., 2019. Post-release survival of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) following capture by longline fishing vessels in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of Marine Science.