Research projects
You can use the Project Search Tool below to browse over the staff’s research projects, including their brief summaries, that are currently under way, or planned for the near future and funded under the 5-year Strategic Science Plan (2019-2023). The summaries include, for each project, background information, a work plan, and a progress report, as well as details of its relevance and purpose, external collaborators, duration, and deliverables; also, for existing projects, an update on activities since the previous year’s report.
This information can also be found on the IATTC-98b-Staff activities and research plan. -
01 Nov 2021 - 31 May 2022FundedObjectives:
- To use the EASI-Fish ERA approach to assess the vulnerability status of elasmobranch species caught as bycatch in EPO fisheries
- To identify vulnerable species using traditional biological reference points
01 May 2022 - 31 May 2023FundedObjectives:
- To use the EASI-Fish ERA approach to assess the efficacy of potential conservation and management measures for reducing fishing impacts on shark species identified in project L.2.b as being highly vulnerable in the EPO
01 Sep 2021 - 31 May 2023FundedObjectives:
- In collaboration with SPC, use the EASI-Fish ERA approach to undertake a Pacific-wide vulnerability assessment of shark species caught as bycatch in tuna fisheries managed by the IATTC and WCPFC
- To identify the most vulnerable species using traditional biological reference points
01 Jun 2021 - 31 May 2022FundedObjectives:
- To use the EASI-Fish ERA approach to assess vulnerability status and the efficacy of conservation and management measures prescribed under IATTC Resolution C-19-04 for reducing fishing impacts on the East Pacific stock of leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea).
01 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2018FundedObjectives:
Evaluate the performance of shallow non-entangling versus normal depth FADs in the EPO purse-seine fishery, with an emphasis on the tuna and non-tuna species catch composition; seeking a practical solution to reduce fishing mortality on small undesirable sizes of bigeye01 Jan 2019 - 15 Jun 2020FundedObjectives:
Reduce bycatches of small fishes (tunas and others) in purse-seine sets01 Jan 2020 - 01 Dec 2023FundedObjectives:
Reduce bycatches of small yellowfin in purse-seine sets.01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2023FundedObjectives:
Develop and test bycatch release devices in tuna purse seiners to improve post release survival, handling and release of sensitive key bycatch species, with particular emphasis on sharks01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2018FundedObjectives:
Estimate the post-release survival of silky sharks captured by longline vessels in the equatorial EPO, using archival tags01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2020FundedObjectives:
Estimate post-release survival of silky sharks captured by Mexican longline vessels in the eastern tropical Pacific, utilizing a best handling practice, and define boundaries encompassing the probable distribution silky shark pupping areas in the EPO