- Responsible for planning and leading the research conducted by the Early Life History Group, Biology Program, at the Achotines Laboratory in the Republic of Panama and at collaborating international laboratories.
- Development and coordination of collaborative research programs between the Early Life History Group and international scientific organizations and universities.
- Principal management of the personnel and budget of the Achotines Laboratory working in consultation with the Achotines Laboratory Director.
- Ph.D. University of Maryland, School of Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences, 1986.
- M.Sc. in Marine Biology, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, Marine Biology Program, 1976.
- B.Sc. in Fishery Biology, Michigan State University, School of Fisheries and Wildlife, 1974.
Dr. Dan Margulies joined the IATTC staff in 1988 as Senior Scientist. He is a member of the Biology Program and leads the Early Life History Group since 1997. This group studies the egg, larval and early-juvenile stages of tunas and investigates the environmental and biological factors that influence pre-recruit growth and survival. The ultimate goal of this research is to understand the influence of pre-recruit survival dynamics on recruitment fluctuations in tunas. Dan’s responsibilities include the coordination of the early life history research activities at the Achotines Laboratory in Panama. This research includes field and laboratory studies of the reproductive biology of adult tunas and the ecology and physiology of larval and early-juvenile tunas. Dan also serves as principal scientist for collaborative research projects between the Early Life History Group and international universities and research organizations.
- Executive Committee of the Early Life History Section, American Fisheries Society
Other courses
- Annual organizer and periodic lecturer on Early Life History of Tunas for the course, “Physiology and Aquaculture of Pelagics, with Emphasis on Reproduction and Early Developmental Stages of Yellowfin Tuna.” A joint course taught annually at the Achotines Laboratory as part of Aquaculture 3, Graduate School of Aquaculture, University of Miami.
- Pavel V. Dimens, Kenneth L. Jones, Daniel Margulies, Vernon Scholey, Susana Cusatti, Brooke McPeak, Tami E. Hildahl & Eric A. E. Saillant 2024. Genomic resources for the Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares. Molecular Biology Reports
- Heuer, R.M., Y. Wang, C. Pasparakis, W. Zhang, V. Scholey, D. Margulies and M. Grosell 2023. Effects of elevated CO2 on metabolic rate and nitrogenous waste handling in the early life stages of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A
- Vernon Scholey, Daniel Margulies 2023. Effects of elevated CO2 on metabolic rate and nitrogenous waste handling in the early life stages of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Sciencedirect
- Jeanne B. Wexler, Daniel Margulies, Vernon Scholey, Cleridy E. Lennert-Cody, Don Bromhead, Simon Nicol, Simon D. Hoyle, Maria Stein, Jane E. Williamson, Jon Havenhand 2023. The effect of ocean acidification on otolith morphology in larvae of a tropical, epipelagic fish species, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
- Tanaka, T., Honryo, T., Sawada, Y., Margulies, D., Scholey, V., Wexler, J., Stein, M., Biswas, A., Takii, K. 2022. Biochemical changes occurring in yellowfin tuna eggs during embryonic development. Fishes
- Nicol, S., P. Lehodey, I. Senina, D. Bromhead, A. Frommel, J. Hampton, J. Havenhand, D. Margulies, P. Munday, V. Scholey, J. Williamson, and N. Smith 2022. Ocean futures for the world’s largest yellowfin tuna population under the combined effects of ocean warming and acidification. Frontiers in Marine Science
- Cusatti, S., D. Margulies, V. Scholey, Y. Sawada and Y. Agawa 2022. Spawning ecology of captive yellowfin tuna broodstock inferred by the use of mitochondrial DNA sequencing analysis. ResearchGate
- Pasparakis, C., Y. Wang, R.M. Heuer, W. Zhang, J.D. Stieglitz, C.J. McGuigan, D.D. Benetti, V.P. Scholey, D. Margulies, and M. Grosell. 2021. Ultraviolet avoidance by embryonic buoyancy control in three species of marine fish. Science of the Total Environment
- Heuer, R.M., Y. Wang, C. Pasparakis, V. Scholey, D. Margulies and M. Grosell. 2020. Effects of elevated CO2 on yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) early life stage respiration and ammonia excretion. Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 34(S1): 1-1.
- Stein, M., D. Margulies, J.B. Wexler, V.P. Scholey, R. Katagiri, T. Honryo, T. Sasaki, A. Guillen, Y. Agawa and Y. Sawada. 2017. A comparison of the effects of two prey enrichment media on growth and survival of Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, larvae. World Aquaculture Society