Nora Roa is responsible for the follow-up, supervision and practical implementation of all actions and activities related to the administration, finance, and human resources of the Commission, pursuant to the instructions of the Director and the decisions of the Commission under the Antigua Convention. In this task, she is assisted by the staff of the Administration, Finance and Human Resources Division, which she directly oversees, as well as by relevant staff from other divisions as appropriate (for instance for the budgetary management of the AIDCP/IATTC and transshipment at sea observers’ programs or of the various grants received and other extrabudgetary funding). She has the main responsibility of coordinating the external annual financial audit and to present its results, as well as the proposed annual budget to the Commission and to the AIDCP Parties
- B.S. in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting, San Diego State University, 1989
- CPA (Certified Public Accountant) Certificate, 1995
Nora Roa is a national from the USA and from Mexico. She joined the IATTC’s staff in 1999 and was put in charge of all administrative, financial, and human resources matters until the formalization of her position as Head of the Administration, Finance and Human Resources Division as a result of the implementation of the conclusions and recommendations of the 2019 external consultancy on the management of human resources.
Her professional background is mainly public accounting, with a special emphasis on non-for-profit organizations. Nora Roa had the opportunity to serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee of her church; successfully advocating for rebuilding a new church when the original one burnt down. She is currently the Treasurer of the National Latina Business Women Association, San Diego Chapter, which supports Latina women in the development of their business and the acquisition and strengthening of the professional skills that they need to meet their career goals. Ms. Roa also serves as an Ambassador to the San Diego County Imperial Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce whose mission is to create opportunities for Hispanic businesses by utilizing the Chamber network and contacts; thus strengthening the San Diego County and Imperial Valley Hispanic business economy.