SAC-10-01a - Staff research activities DRAFT
SAC-10-02 - Review of the implementation of recommendations adopted at previous SAC meetings progress and outcomes
Revised on 11 May 19
SAC-10-03 - The tuna fishery in the EPO in 2018
Revised on 14 May 19
SAC-10-04 - Longline observer program reports
Revised on 26 Jun 19
SAC-10-05 - The fishery on FADs in the EPO
SAC-10-06 - Bigeye tuna indicators of stock status
SAC-10-07 - Yellowfin tuna assessment for 2018
SAC-10-08 - Yellowfin tuna Stock status indicators
SAC-10-09 - Skipjack tuna indicators of stock status
SAC-10-10 - Relationship between purse seine vessel characteristics and fishing mortality
SAC-10-11 - Potential reference points and harvest control rules for dorado in the EPO
SAC-10-12 - Electronic monitoring of purse seine vessel activities and catches
SAC-10-14 - Ecosystem considerations
SAC-10-15 - Towards standardized ecological indicators for monitoring ecosystem health an updated ecosystem model of the tropical EPO
SAC-10-16 - Pilot study for shark fishery sampling program in Central America
SAC-10-17 - Purse seine indicators for silky sharks in the EPO
SAC-10-18 - Review of research at the Achotines Laboratory
SAC-10-19 - Staff recommendations to the Commission