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- Objectives
- Resolve concerns about differences in age estimation methods and resulting growth models used in bigeye tuna stock assessments by IATTC and WCPFC
- Background
- Although there are documented differences in the life history characteristics of the bigeye stocks from the EPO and WCPO, the magnitude of the discrepancies in the estimated length-at age data, growth models, and L∞ estimates used in the recent IATTC and WCPFC stock assessments, along with the dramatic shift in stock status of WCPO bigeye population is concerning. The estimated L∞ from the WCPO bigeye growth model is 157 cm, unrealistically low, and is highly influential in the assessment model and resulting stock status determination.
- Relevance for management
- Age and growth models and their estimates of L∞ are highly influential in assessing the status of bigeye in integrated assessment models
- Duration
- 2 days
- Workplan and status
- Workshop to be held in La Jolla, November 2018, or as soon as possible in 2019
- External collaborators
- SPC; CSIRO and FAS, Australia; FSFRL, Japan; PIFSC
- Deliverables
- A workshop report to be shared with all interested parties