- Provide support in data preparation and statistical analyses for use in IATTC stock assessments.
- Provide analytical support and statistical analyses to all IATTC research programs.
- AIDCP dolphin related research.
- Develop sampling designs for IATTC’s fishery data collection programs.
- Ph.D. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, 1999
- M.Sc. in Statistics from the University of California at San Diego, 1989
Prior to joining the IATTC team in 1991, Dr. Lennert-Cody worked as a statistician for the Southwest Fisheries Science Center in the Marine Mammal Division. Cleridy has provided statistical support for various aspects of the AIDCP Program since joining IATTC, including conducting comparisons of observer programs and conducting data screening analyses to identify unusual data. She also has conducted research on several topics related to marine mammals in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), such as factors affecting dolphin mortality in the purse-seine fishery, estimation of relative abundance indices for dolphins from observer data, and estimation of incidental mortality of dolphins in the purse-seine fishery. She has worked on bycatch of non-mammal species in the EPO, such as the silky shark, and in collaboration with colleagues in Japan, developed indices of relative abundance from observer data for the silky shark. To assist with management of tropical tunas, she has worked on studies affecting tuna catches, such as factors affecting the probability of catching bigeye tuna. Cleridy’s recent projects include development of sampling designs for shark fisheries of coastal member nations and for the current Individual Vessel Limit scheme for bigeye catches, development of regression tree methods for length-frequency data and trends data to define fishery areas and tuna stock structure, and assisting in the development of new survey methodology for estimation of dolphin abundance in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. In addition to these projects, her current research interests include the application of machine learning algorithms to data screening problems and studies of fishing vessel behavior and fishing strategies.
ISC Shark Working Group (2011-present).
- Xu, H., Maunder, M.N., Lennert-Cody, C.E., Minte-Vera, C.V. 2024. Evaluating the impacts of reduced longline fishing effort on the standardization of longline catch-per-unit-effort for bigeye tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research
- Lennert-Cody, C.E., De La Cadena, C., McCracken, M., Chompoy, L., Vogel, N.W., Maunder, M.N., Wiley, B.A., Altamirano Nieto, E., Aires-da-Silva, A 2024. Within-well patterns in bigeye tuna catch composition and implications for purse-seine port-sampling and catch estimation in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research
- Minami, M., Lennert-Cody, C.E. 2024. Regression tree and clustering for distributions, and homogeneous structure of population characteristics. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
- Jeanne B. Wexler, Daniel Margulies, Vernon Scholey, Cleridy E. Lennert-Cody, Don Bromhead, Simon Nicol, Simon D. Hoyle, Maria Stein, Jane E. Williamson, Jon Havenhand 2023. The effect of ocean acidification on otolith morphology in larvae of a tropical, epipelagic fish species, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
- Lennert-Cody, C.E., Lopez, J., Maunder, M.N. 2023. An automatic purse-seine set type classification algorithm to inform tropical tuna management. Fisheries Research
- Majumdar, A., Lennert-Cody, C.E., Maunder, M.N. and Aires-da-Silva. A. 2023. Spatio-temporal modeling for estimation of bigeye tuna catch in the presence of pandemic-related data loss using parameteric adjacency structures.. Fisheries Research
- Lennert-Cody, C.E., McCracken, M., Siu, S., Oliveros-Ramos, R., Maunder, M.N., Aires-da-Silva, A., Miguel, Carvajal Rodrigues, J. M., Opsomer, J. 2022. Single-cluster sampling designs for shark catch size composition in a Central American longline fishery. Fisheries Research
- Lennert-Cody, C.E., Maunder, M.N., Román, M.H., Xu, H., Minami, M., Lopez, J. 2020. Cluster analysis methods applied to daily vessel location data to identify cooperative fishing among tuna purse-seiners. Environmental and Ecological Statistics
- Mark N.Maunder, James T.Thorson, Haikun Xu, Ricardo Oliveros-Ramos, Simon D.Hoyle, Laura Tremblay-Boyer, Hui Hua Lee , Mikihiko Kai, Shui-KaiChang, Toshihide Kitakado, Christoffer M.Albertsen, Carolina V.Minte-Vera, Cleridy E.Lennert-Cody, Alexandre M.Aires-da-Silva, Kevin R.Piner 2020. The need for spatio-temporal modeling to determine catch-per-unit effort based indices of abundance and associated composition data for inclusion in stock assessment models. Fisheries Research
- Xu, H., Lennert-Cody, C. E., Maunder, M. N., Minte-Vera. C. V. 2019. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the dolphin-associated purse-seine fishery for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research