Stock Assessment Program
The Stock Assessment Program is responsible for following major areas of activity:
- Based on the best available science, implement stock assessments of tunas, billfishes, dolphins, and stocks of other species (e.g. sharks and dorado) as deemed necessary by the Members.
- Maintain active participation and/or collaboration in assessments conducted by other entities (e.g. International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-Like Species in the North Pacific Ocean, Secretariat of the Pacific Community) of stocks whose range includes the EPO (e.g. bluefin, albacore, billfishes, sharks) or for which hypotheses of stock geographic boundaries are being explored (e.g. Pacific-wide assessment of bigeye, billfishes, sharks).
- Evaluation of the effect on the status of the stocks from current or any other types of proposed management measures (e.g. using risk analysis to evaluate the impact of management measures with respect to the reference points specified in the IATTC’s harvest control rule).
- Conduct a comprehensive Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) for the tropical tuna in the EPO and collaborate with other organizations in Pacific-wide MSEs (e.g. with ISC for albacore and Pacific bluefin tuna).
- Design and evaluation of sampling programs for fishery data collection and scientific experiments in the EPO.
- Analyzing biological and fisheries data for input into the stock assessments.
- Conducting research on stock assessment, stock assessment methodology, and related topics.
- Providing analytical support for the other IATTC research programs.
- Through collaborations with external studies, improve our understanding of the socio-economic aspects of sustainable fisheries for tropical tunas (e.g. POSEIDON with Ocean Conservancy).
- Assist with capacity-building for IATTC Members related to data collection, stock assessment, and evaluation of management options.
- Participation in scientific meetings, scientific bodies, and peer reviews of stock assessments and research.
- Organizing workshops on stock assessment methodology (e.g. the fall workshop series, in collaboration with CAPAM, the Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment Methodology) and external reviews of IATTC stock assessments.
- Scientific research

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5 Course(s)
Introducción a la evaluación de recursos pesqueros |
Nov 2016 |
Conceptos básicos de evaluación de estoques pesqueros |
Aug 2014 |
Introduction to Fisheries Stock Assessment and Stock Synthesis |
Jun 2014 |
Evaluación de Riesgos Poblacionales en Condrictios |
Oct 2013 |
Introducción a modelos de dinámica poblacional y evaluación de recursos marinos |
Oct 2009 |
- Xu, H., Maunder, M.N., Lennert-Cody, C.E., Minte-Vera, C.V. 2024. Evaluating the impacts of reduced longline fishing effort on the standardization of longline catch-per-unit-effort for bigeye tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research
- Lennert-Cody, C.E., De La Cadena, C., McCracken, M., Chompoy, L., Vogel, N.W., Maunder, M.N., Wiley, B.A., Altamirano Nieto, E., Aires-da-Silva, A 2024. Within-well patterns in bigeye tuna catch composition and implications for purse-seine port-sampling and catch estimation in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research
- Minami, M., Lennert-Cody, C.E. 2024. Regression tree and clustering for distributions, and homogeneous structure of population characteristics. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
- Daniel R. Goethel, Aaron M. Berger, Simon D. Hoyle, Patrick D. Lynch, Caren Barceló, Jonathan Deroba, Nicholas D. Ducharme-Barth, Alistair Dunn, Dan Fu, Francisco Izquierdo, Craig Marsh, Haikun Xu, Giancarlo M. Correa, Brian J. Langseth, Mark N. Maunder, Jeremy McKenzie, Richard D. Methot, Matthew T 2024. Drivin'with your eyes closed’: Results from an international, blinded simulation experiment to evaluate spatial stock assessments. Fish and Fisheries
- Carolina V. Minte-Vera, Mark N. Maunder, Alexandre Aires-da-Silva, Haikun Xu, Juan L. Valero, Steven L.H. Teo, Patrício Barría, Nicholas D. Ducharme-Barth 2024. The use of conceptual models to structure stock assessments: a tool for collaboration and for “modelling what to model”. Fisheries Research
- Jérémy Lobry, Benjamin Ciotti, Bastien Sadoul, Hilaire Drouineau, Carolina Minte-Vera, Mehdi Cherif, Laure Pecquerie 2024. Fish growth: Patterns and modeling. Ecology of Marine Fish
- Hoyle, S.D., Williams, A.J., Minte-Vera, C.V., Maunder, M.N. 2023. Approaches for estimating natural mortality in tuna stock assessments: Application to global yellowfin tuna stocks. Fisheries Research
- Maunder, M.N., Hamel, O.S., Lee, H-H., Piner, K.R., Cope, J.M., Punt, A.E., Ianelli, J.N., Castillo-Jordan, C., Kapur, M.S. 2023. A review of estimation methods for natural mortality and their performance in the context of fishery stock assessment. Fisheries Research
- Lennert-Cody, C.E., Lopez, J., Maunder, M.N. 2023. An automatic purse-seine set type classification algorithm to inform tropical tuna management. Fisheries Research
- Majumdar, A., Lennert-Cody, C.E., Maunder, M.N. and Aires-da-Silva. A. 2023. Spatio-temporal modeling for estimation of bigeye tuna catch in the presence of pandemic-related data loss using parameteric adjacency structures.. Fisheries Research