1 |
Opening of the meeting |
2 |
Adoption of the agenda |
3 |
Review of recommendations from the 11th meeting of the Bycatch Working Group |
3a |
Brief update regarding outcome of 2022 circle hook workshop, with goal to resolve C-19-04 (Co-Chairs) |
4 |
Member country updates on Ecosystem and Bycatch Activities |
5 |
Presentations |
5a |
Ecosystem |
5a1 |
Deep Sea Mining: update on developments and relevance to the IATTC (Ocean Foundation) |
5b |
Elasmobranchs |
5b1 |
Shark post release survival rates and management implications in longline fisheries (Hutchinson, IATTC Staff) |
5b2 |
Improving conservation and management of sharks in the EPO and ensuring compatibility with other regional fisheries management organizations in the Pacific (Shaw, Canada) |
5b3 |
Assessing reported shark and ray catch in industrial fisheries: A global review to inform assessment and conservation (Cronin, Univ. of California Santa Cruz) |
5b4 |
Progress in addressing key research to inform Mobulid ray conservation in the Pacific Ocean" (Moreno, ISSF) |
5b5 |
Exploring helicopter vessel communication for Mobulid bycatch avoidance (Waldo, UC Santa Cruz) |
5c |
Sea Turtles |
5c1 |
Drifting fish aggregating devices (dFAD) & sea turtle interactions in the open ocean (Escalle, ISSF). |
5d |
Seabirds |
5di |
A proposal to develop an IATTC seabird work plan (Gianuca, Birdlife International). |
5dii |
Best practices |
5d1 |
Overview of knowledge and data gaps of best practices for vulnerable species in IATTC fisheries: recommendations for future research (Hutchinson, IATTC Staff) |
5d2 |
Role of electronic monitoring in best practices, in particular non-retention fisheries (Heberer, TNC) |
5d3 |
Evaluating best practices and releasing tools for protected species in purse seiners (Grande, AZTI) |
5d4 |
Sea Turtle handling and best practices in Central America (Andraka/Parga, SUBMON, ECOPacific +) |
6 |
Relevant information papers (No presentation) |
6a |
Purse-seine indicators for silky sharks in the EPO (IATTC staff) |
6b |
Ecosystem considerations (IATTC staff) |
6c |
Vulnerability status for silky and hammerheads in the EPO: EASI-fish assessment (IATTC staff) |
6d |
Adjusting time-of-day and depth of fishing provides an economically viable solution to seabird bycatch in an albacore tuna longline fishery (Gilman et al 2023) |
7 |
Recommendations to the Scientific Advisory Committee |
8 |
Other business |
9 |
Adjournment |