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  4. Investigate the movements, behavior, and habitat utilization of silky sharks in the EPO
Project F.2.a - Investigate the movements, behavior, and habitat utilization of silky sharks in the EPO

01 Jan 2020 - 31 Dec 2021

Program(s) in charge: Life History and Behavior Group
Evaluate movements, behavior, and habitat utilization of silky sharks in the equatorial and tropical EPO from in-depth analyses of existing data obtained from archival tags
  • Understanding population structure and movements is essential for stock assessments, particularly for sharks
  • The information available about movements, behavior, and habitat utilization of silky sharks in the EPO is limited
  • Understanding behavior and habitat utilization is important for effective conservation measures and for ecological risk assessment analyses
Relevance for management
Improve management advice on silky sharks based on spatially-structured stock assessments; habitat utilization information is useful for mitigation and spatial management
24 months (2020-2021)
Workplan and status
The archival tag data for silky sharks collected for previous IATTC projects funded through the EU will be analyzed in depth and compared for describing geographic variation in movements, behavior and habitat utilization in a manuscript to be submitted to a scientific journal.

A manuscript describing Silky Shark movements released in two discrete areas of the EPO is nearly complete using 79 datasets from miniPAT (pop-off archival tags) and will be submitted during the 2nd quarter of 2024.
External collaborators
INCOPESCA Costa Rica; WWF Ecuador; and INAPESCA Mexico
Manuscript for publication in a scientific journal
Updated date: 01 Feb 2024
Progress summary for the reporting period
This project starts in 2020