- Responsible for conducting the yellowfin tuna stock assessment.
- IATTC scientist on the ISC Albacore Working Group .
- Responsible for leading the collaborative work to conduct the South EPO swordfish stock assessment.
- Ph.D., School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, USA, 2004 (Carolina’s story at SAFS-UW).
- Specialization in Applied Statistics, University of Maringá, Brazil, 1998.
- M.Sc. Ecology, University of Campinas, Brazil, 1997.
- B.A. Ecology, São Paulo State University, Rio Claro (UNESP), Brazil, 1994.
Dr. Carolina Minte-Vera is a stock assessment scientist, lead assessor for yellowfin tuna and south EPO swordfish, collaborates on the bigeye tuna assessment and in the north Pacific albacore tuna assessment, through the ISC Albacore Working Group. Carolina was born in Chile and grew up in Brazil where she studied Ecology at the State University Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1995) and state University of Campinas (1997) and Applied Statistics at the State University of Maringá (1998). In the USA, she conducted her Ph.D. studies at the School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences, University of Washington, USA (2004). Prior to joining the IATTC staff in 2013, she was an assistant professor at the State University of Maringá (Brazil), member of the Brazilian scientific advisory subcommittee on tuna and related species for the government, collaborated with stock assessments of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and worked as assistant editor of the journal Neotropical Ichthyology. Carolina was also an advisor for several governmental and non-governmental organizations and worked on research related to artisanal and industrial fisheries. Her current main research interests are stock assessment and population modelling.
- ISC Albacore Working Group (2014-present).
- IUCN SSC Tuna and Billfish Specialist Group (2011-present).
- IPBES Sustainable Use of Wild Species (Chapter Review Editor), (2019-present).
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Introducción a la evaluación de recursos pesqueros |
Nov 2016 |
Conceptos básicos de evaluación de estoques pesqueros |
Aug 2014 |
Introduction to Fisheries Stock Assessment and Stock Synthesis |
Jun 2014 |
Other courses
Single-species assessment methods in data-limited fisheries (Session II), 6th IATTC Technical Meeting on Sharks, La Jolla, CA, USA, 28-29 February, 2017.
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- Hoyle, S.D., Williams, A.J., Minte-Vera, C.V., Maunder, M.N. 2023. Approaches for estimating natural mortality in tuna stock assessments: Application to global yellowfin tuna stocks. Fisheries Research
- Keisuke Satoh, Haikun Xu, Carolina V.Minte-Vera, Mark N.Maunder, Toshihide Kitakado 2021. Size-specific spatiotemporal dynamics of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) caught by the longline fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research
- Carolina V Minte-Vera, Mark N Maunder, Alexandre M Aires-da-Silva 2021. Auxiliary diagnostic analyses used to detect model misspecification and highlight potential solutions in stock assessments: application to yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science
- Moore et al, 2020 2020. Defining the stock structures of key commercial tunas in the Pacific Ocean II: Sampling considerations and future directions. Fisheries Research
- Mark N.Maunder, James T.Thorson, Haikun Xu, Ricardo Oliveros-Ramos, Simon D.Hoyle, Laura Tremblay-Boyer, Hui Hua Lee , Mikihiko Kai, Shui-KaiChang, Toshihide Kitakado, Christoffer M.Albertsen, Carolina V.Minte-Vera, Cleridy E.Lennert-Cody, Alexandre M.Aires-da-Silva, Kevin R.Piner 2020. The need for spatio-temporal modeling to determine catch-per-unit effort based indices of abundance and associated composition data for inclusion in stock assessment models. Fisheries Research
- Xu, H., Lennert-Cody, C. E., Maunder, M. N., Minte-Vera. C. V. 2019. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the dolphin-associated purse-seine fishery for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research
- Duffy, L.M., C.E. Lennert-Cody, R. Olson, C.V. Minte-Vera, and S.P. Griffiths 2019. Assessing vulnerability of bycatch species in the tuna purse-seine fisheries of the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research
- Maunder, M.N., Deriso, R.B., Schaefer, K.M., Fuller, D.W., Aires-da-Silva, A.M., Minte‑Vera, C.V., Campana, S.E. 2018. The growth cessation model: a growth model for species showing a near cessation in growth with application to bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus). Marine Biology
- Minte-Vera, C.V., Maunder, M.N., Schaefer, K.M. Aires-da-Silva, A. M. 2018. The influence of metrics for spawning output on stock assessment results and evaluation of reference points: An illustration with yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research
- Minte-Vera, C.V., Maunder, M.N., Aires-da-Silva, A.M., Satoh, K., Uosaki, K. 2017. Get the biology right, or use size-composition data at your own risk. Fisheries research