SAC-05-03b - Hammerhead shark update
SAC-05-03c - Safe release of sea turtles and manta rays
SAC-05-04a - The Fish Aggregating Devices fishery in the EPO
SAC-05-04b - Fish Aggregating Devices marking
SAC-05-05 - Fishing gear data for scientific purposes
SAC-05-06 - Fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean 2013
SAC-05-07 - Yellowfin tuna assessment 2013
SAC-05-08a - Bigeye tuna assessment 2013
SAC-05-08b - Updated operational level indices for Japanese longline fisheries
SAC-05-08c - Bigeye tuna movements and stock structure from tagging data
SAC-05-09a - Skipjack tuna indicators
SAC-05-10a - Pacific bluefin tuna stock assessment and management
SAC-05-10b - Management Strategy Evaluation
SAC-05-11a - Indicators for silky sharks
SAC-05-11b - Dorado research
SAC-05-11c - Indicators of stock status
SAC-05-11d - Index of relative abundance for dolphins
SAC-05-12 - Fleet capacity and fishing mortality
SAC-05-13 - Ecosystem considerations
SAC-05-14 - Proposal for limit reference points
SAC-05-15 - Staff activities
SAC-05-16 - Staff Conservation recommendations