The Commission staff maintains a database of all vessels authorized, or known, to fish for tunas and tuna-like species in the eastern Pacific Ocean:
The 2000 Resolution on a Regional Vessel Register (amended in 2011, 2014 and 2018) established the list of vessels authorized by their governments to fish for species under the purview of the Commission.
The latest Resolution on a Regional Vessel Register (2018) establishes that "CPCs shall notify the Director by 30 June each year of their vessels [excluding recreational fishing vessels] on the Regional Vessel Register flying their flag that were actively fishing in the IATTC Convention Area for species covered by the Convention from 1 January to 31 December of the previous year.” The notifications by the flag CPCs pursuant to this provision are available in the "Vessels having fished actively per year and per flag" shortcut.Purse-seine vessels
The 2002 Resolution on fleet capacity established the lists of purse-seine vessels authorized to fish for tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
- Active purse-seine capacity list and Inactive and sunk purse-seine capacity list
- Vessel under construction, but with capacity in wells volume recognized/assigned by Ecuador, using its available capacity.
- Closures of the purse-seine fishery
US purse-seiners
The 2002 Resolution on the Capacity of the Tuna Fleet Operating in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in its paragraph 12 authorizes a maximum of 32 US purse-seiners to fish in the EPO for a single trip not exceeding 90 days. This list includes the U.S. purse-seiners that have been authorized for 2018.
Large longline vessels
The 2003 Resolution on large-scale longline vessels (amended in 2011) established the list of longline vessels over 24 meters authorized to fish for tunas and tuna-like species in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Carrier vessels
The 2008 Resolution on a program for transshipments (amended in 2012) established the list of carrier vessels authorized to receive tuna and tuna-like species at sea from large-scale tuna longline fishing vessels.
IUU vessels
The 2019 Resolution on IUU fishing (amends and replaces C-15-01) established the list of vessels presumed to have carried out illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing activities in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
- Other IUU Vessels lists