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- Objectives
- Continue support of IATTC Staff on technical development of MSE for tropical tunas.
- Provide training and enhance dialogue / communication among scientists, managers and other stakeholders regarding the MSE process for tropical tunas through the facilitation of a series of workshops.
- Elicit candidate reference points, harvest control rules, and performance measures from stakeholders to be tested in addition to the interim ones
- Background
- The Performance Review of the IATTC, the proposed Strategic Science Plan, and the SAC all recommended improving knowledge sharing, human- institutional capacity building and communication of scientific advice.
- MSE is a major objective of the IATTC and other organizations. Part of the MSE process is highly technical and done by scientists. Another part, such as defining objectives, performance metrics and candidate management strategies, requires input and participation of managers and other stakeholders. Those two parts evolve in synergy.
- Stakeholder participation throughout the MSE process is central to its success and will be facilitated by the understanding of the MSE process, its components and by strengthening the communication among scientists, managers and other stakeholders.
- Initial workshops on MSE where held in 2015 and 2018 but were restricted to Latin American developing countries and focus on understanding of the process.
- Relevance for management
- Key elements of IATTC’s current management strategy, such as its control rule and reference points, along with alternatives, are currently being evaluated via MSE.
- Technical support for better model development and relevance of the MSE results.
- Workshops will improve scientists, managers and other stakeholder communication.
- The current proposal will advance the MSE process for tropical tunas to assess the performance of interim Harvest Control Rule (HCR) and alternatives.
- Results will facilitate adopting a permanent HCR for tropical tunas as per Res. C-16-02
- Duration
- 18 months
- Workplan and status
- Continue support of IATTC Staff on technical development of BET MSE.
- Development/tailoring of MSE Workshop materials and online resources to EPO tropical tuna fisheries including presentations and hands-on working sessions.
- Conduct two Workshops in 2019 (Asia in English, Latin America in Spanish) with managers and other stakeholders aiming to improve understanding of the MSE process, elicit objectives, performance metrics, alternative control rules, and risk.
- Conduct two 2020 Workshops with managers and other stakeholders to show initial results and gather feedback, plus a technical Workshop
- External collaborators
- External contractor, other external tuna and communication expert
- Deliverables
- Reporting to SAC of MSE development, progress, and preliminary results.
- 1st IATTC MSE Workshop conducted in December 2019, Workshop report and associated training and online materials
- Updated date: 18 Oct 2021
- Challenges and key lessons learnt
- Need for continuing workshops to cover specific topics related to IATTC’s MSE work.
- Turnover of commissioners and their staff makes important to revisit workshops.
- 2nd IATTC MSE Workshop postponed due to COVID pandemic, rescheduled as videoconference during May 2021