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All Active Resolutions
C-24-11 Financing FY 2025
C-24-10 Climate change - Amends C-23-10
C-24-09 EMS Interim Minimum Standards
C-24-08 Working group on Management Strategies Evaluation
C-24-07 Regional Vessel Register - Amends C-18-06
C-24-06 FADs - Amends C-23-03 (amended C-99-07)
C-24-05 Sharks
C-24-04 South Pacific albacore
C-24-03 Bluefin tuna (monitoring and control)
C-24-02 Bluefin tuna
C-24-01 Tuna conservation in the EPO 2025-2026
C-23-11 Vessel Monitoring System (VMS)
C-23-10 Climate change
C-23-09 Dolphinfish (Dorado)
C-23-08 Silky sharks
C-23-06 Harvest Control Rules
C-23-05 FADs amends C-19-01
C-23-04 FADS biodegradables
C-23-03 FADs
C-23-02 North Pacific albacore
C-23-01 Bluefin tuna
C-22-07 Establishment of an Ad Hoc Working Group on Electronic Monitoring
C-22-06 Terms of reference for a Working Group on Ecosystem and Bycatch
C-22-05 Closure periods
C-22-03 Transshipments
C-22-02 Compliance
C-22-01 Application Antigua Convention Article XV par. 4
C-21-07 Port State measures
C-21-03 Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) Definitions
C-21-02 Terms of Reference EMS workshops
C-20-04 Working Group on Rules of Procedure for meetings by videoconference
C-20-01 Ad Hoc Rules of Procedure 95th meeting
C-19-08 Observers on longliners
C-19-07 Management Strategy Evaluation workshops
C-19-06 Whale sharks
C-19-04 Sea turtles
C-19-02 IUU Vessel List
C-19-01 FADs
C-18-07 Observer safety at sea
C-18-06 Regional Vessel Register
C-18-03 North Pacific albacore
C-18-02 Bluefin tuna (long term)
C-17-05 Working group on resolutions
C-17-04 Amendment to the Rules of procedure
C-16-03 Pacific bluefin tuna
C-15-07 Procedures for confidential data
C-15-05 Financing FY 2013-2017 and beyond
C-15-04 Conservation of Mobulid Rays
C-15-02 Interpretation paragraph 6 of resolution C-02-03
C-14-08 Revision of the IATTC Rules of procedure
C-14-07 Procedures for the Implementation of Article XII, paragraph 1, of the Antigua Convention
C-14-05 Carrying capacity of Peru
C-14-03 Capacity building
C-12-11 Recommendation on IATTC - WCPFC Overlap area
C-12-10 Recommendation on best available science
C-12-08 Protocol for sealing wells
C-12-06 Capacity loans and chartering
C-12-03 IATTC Rules of procedure
C-12-02 Committee on Administration and Finance
C-11-10 Conservation of Oceanic whitetip sharks
C-11-05 Positive list of longline vessels
C-11-03 Prohibiting fishing on data buoys
C-11-02 Seabirds
C-09-04 Resolution-on-IDCP
C-07-02 Cooperating non-party status
C-05-02 Northern albacore tuna
C-04-10 Catch reporting
C-04-07 Program to mitigate the impact of fishing on sea turtles
C-04-05 Consolidated bycatch resolution
C-04-03 Notification of sightings of vessels
C-03-05 Provision of data
C-03-04 At-sea reporting
C-03-01 IATTC bigeye tuna statistical document program
C-02-03 Capacity of the tuna fleet operating in the EPO
C-51-01 Resolution on Confidentiality