Ad Hoc Working Group on Electronic Monitoring - (WGEM)
Capacity Building Seminar-workshop on duties and responsibilities of Members-Parties to the IATTC and AIDCP - (CAB)
Circle hook workshop - (WSHKS)
Committe for the review of implementation of measures adopted by the Commission - (COR)
Committee on Administration and Finance - (CAF)
External review of data used in stock assessments of tropical tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean - (DTT)
External review of IATTC bigeye tuna assessment - (BET)
External Review of IATTC staff’s stock assessment of skipjack tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean - (WSSKJ)
External review of IATTC yellowfin tuna assessment - (YFT)
External review of modelling aspects for stock assessments of tropical tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean - (MTT)
IATTC-WCPFC consultative meeting - (CONS)
Intergovernmental Meeting - (IGM)
Joint IATTC-NC Working Group Meeting on PBF Management - (WGPBF)
Meeting of AIDCP Observer Program staff - (OBS)
Meeting of the IATTC - (IATTC)
Meeting of the International Review Panel - (IRP)
Meeting of the Parties to the AIDCP - (AIDCP)
Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board - (SAB)
Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee - (SAC)
Meeting of the Stock Assessment Review - (SAR)
Meeting of the Working Group of Vessel Assessment and Financing - (VA)
Meeting of the Working Group on Fish-Aggregating Devices (FADs) - (WGFAD)
Meeting of the Working Group on Per-Stock, Per-Year Dolphin Mortality Limits - (PSPY)
Meeting on Pacific bluefin tuna - (PBF)
Other workshops - (OTM)
Permanent Working Group on Ecosystem and Bycatch - (WGEB)
Technical Meeting on Dorado - (DOR)
Technical meeting on seabirds - (TSB)
Technical Meeting on Sharks - (DWS)
Technical Workshop on Swordfish - (SWO)
Training workshop on FAD - (WSFAD)
Working Group on Bycatch - (BYC)
Working Group on Compliance - (COM)
Working Group on FADs - (FAD)
Working Group on Finance - (FIN)
Working Group on Fishing by Non-parties - (JWG)
Working Group on Fleet Capacity - (CAP)
Working Group on the IATTC Convention - (WGC)
Working Group on Tuna Tracking - (TT)
Working Group to promote and publicize Dolphin Safe Tuna certification system - (DSP)
Workshop of an Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) - (WSEMS)
Workshop on data improvement: industrial longline fishery - (WSDAT)
Workshop on improving the risk analysis for the tropical tunas - (WSRSK)
Workshop on Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) for tropical tunas - (WSMSE)
Workshop on methods for monitoring dolphin stock status - (WSDEL)