13th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee
16 May - 20 May 2022Parent event: SAC Meeting and Working groups - May 2022-
Meeting details
Schedule: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM PDT San Diego time (UTC -8)
- Meeting reports
13th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee
Agenda items Documents 1 Opening of the meeting 2 Adoption of agenda 3 Research planning 3a Staff activities and research work plan SAC-13-01 4 Review of the implementation of recommendations adopted at previous SAC and Working Group meetings: progress and outcomes SAC-13-02 5 The fishery 5a The tuna fishery in the EPO in 2021 SAC-13-03 5b National reports 5c Longline observer program reports SAC-13-04 5d Transshipment observer program 6 Stock assessments 6a Investigation on potential bias on the tropical tuna catch estimates caused by the COVID-19 pandemic SAC-13-05 6b Stock status indicators (SSIs) for tropical tunas in the EPO SAC-13-06 6c Workplan for the bigeye and yellowfin tuna benchmark assessments: summary report on the 1st workshop on improving the risk analysis for tropical tunas in the EPO (model diagnostics) 6d Stock assessment for skipjack in the EPO 6di Interim skipjack assessment SAC-13-07 6dii Spatiotemporal tagging model for skipjack in the EPO SAC-13-08 6e Updates from ISC Working Groups 6ei Pacific bluefin tuna SAC-13-INF-R 6eii North Pacific albacore tuna SAC-12-INF-C 6f Other species 6fi South EPO swordfish assessment: benchmark assessment SAC-13-09 /SAC-13-INF-M /SAC-13-INF-N 6fii South Pacific albacore: benchmark assessment SAC-13-INF-S 6fiii Dorado (mahi mahi) assessment and related issues 7 Modelling 7a Workplan for tropical tuna Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE): progress report 8 Data collection 8a Workplan for the implementation of an electronic monitoring (EM) program for the tuna fishery in the EPO: progress report SAC-13-INF-D 8b Development and implementation of the IVL scheme for bigeye catches: update SAC-13-INF-E 9 FADs 9a Report of the Working Group on FADs 10 Ecosystem and bycatch 10a Ecosystem considerations SAC-13-10 10b Report of the Working Group on Bycatch 10c Dolphin research: update SAC-13-INF-F 10d Proposed TORs for Ecosystem and Bycatch WG 11 Sharks 11a Vulnerability status for sharks in the EPO: EASI-fish assessment SAC-13-11 11b Improvements on shark data collection for EPO coastal fisheries: ABNJ2 SAC-13-INF-Q 12 Life history 12a Review of research at the Achotines Laboratory SAC-13-13 13 Staff recommendations to the Commission SAC-13-14 14 SAC recommendations to the Commission 15 Other business 16 Adjournment -
Meeting documents
Informational documents
Annual summary reporting - scientific observers for longline vessels (Resolution C-19-08)
- Related documents
- Background documents
Meeting details