15th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee
2nd Meeting of the Permanent Working Group on Ecosystem and Bycatch
05 Jun - 06 Jun 2024- Meeting reports
2nd Meeting of the Ecosystem and Bycatch Working Group
Agenda items Documents 1 Opening of the meeting—9 am PST 2 Adoption of agenda 3 Review of recommendations from the 1st meeting of the Ecosystem and Bycatch Working Group (EBWG) 3a Brief discussion on circle hook size to resolve C-19-04 (Co-Chairs) 4 Updates on Ecosystem and Bycatch Activities 5a Ecosystem 5a1 Ecosystem considerations report (L. Fuller, IATTC Staff) EB-02-01 5a2 Review of t-RFMO ecosystem research to inform a workplan on EcoCards for the EPO (L. Fuller, IATTC Staff) EB-02-02 5a3 Inputs for holistic bycatch management strategy evaluation (E. Gilman, Blue Ocean Institute) 5a4 Spatio-temporal distribution of the richness of large pelagic fishes in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (Buenfil-Avila, Aura et al, Instituto Politécnico Nacional-CICIMAR, Mexico) 5b Climate Change 5b1 A climate change workplan for the IATTC (D. Crear, IATTC Staff) SAC-15-12 5c Elasmobranchs 5c1 List of shark species of purview to IATTC (re: Res C-23-07) (SAC 15-09, S. Griffiths, IATTC Staff) 5c2 Silky Shark conceptual model (B. Talwar, The Nature Conservancy & Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UCSD) 5c3 Progress in Mobulid ray conservation: A collaboration with the US Fleet. (Moreno/Cronin, ISSF) 5c4 Environmental variability affects the distribution of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) caught in the eastern Pacific Ocean (M. Martinez et al., Instituto Politécnico Nacional-CICIMAR, Mexico) 5d Seabirds 5d1 Synthesizing a network of evidence on a seabird bycatch mitigation measure prescribed by regional fisheries management organizations (M. Chaloupka & E. Gilman, Blue Ocean Institute) 5d2 Seabird bycatch mitigation trials in U.S. Pacific Ocean longline fisheries (A. Ishizaki-West Pac Fish Mgt Council, US) 5e Best practices 5e1 Best handling and releasing practices: roadmap for vulnerable species (EB 02-03, M. Hutchinson, IATTC Staff) SAC-15-11 5e2 Best handling and release practices for sharks in IATTC fisheries (re: Res C-23-07) (SAC 15-11, M. Hutchinson, IATTC Staff) EB-02-03 5e3 Selective sorting grids for improved best handling and release practices of large mobulid rays in tropical tuna purse seiners (J. Murua, AZTI, ISSF, Duke Univ.) 5e4 Updated best handling and release practice guidelines for vulnerable species in tropical tuna purse seine fisheries (J. Murua, AZTI, ISSF) 5e5 Mobulid post-release survival in purse seine fisheries: Implications for best handling and release practices (J. Stewart, The Manta Trust) 6 Recommendations to the Scientific Advisory Committee 7 Other business 8 Adjournment -
Meeting documents
EB-02 Recommendations adopted by the working group Posted on 13 Jun 24EB-02-01 - Ecosystem considerations Posted on 01 May 24EB-02-02 - Review of T-RFMO Ecosystem research to inform a workplan on EcoCards for the EPO Posted on 20 Apr 24EB-02-03 - Workplan towards the adoption of best handling and release practices for vulnerable species In IATTC fisheries Posted on 17 May 24SAC-15-09 - Sharks species under the purview of the IATTC Posted on 05 Jun 24SAC-15-10 - Shark sampling program Posted on 05 Jun 24SAC-15-11 - Best handling and release practice guidelines for sharks Posted on 05 Jun 24SAC-15-12 - Climate change workplan for the IATTC Posted on 05 Jun 24 -
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8th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on FADs
07 Jun - 08 Jun 2024- Meeting reports
8th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on FADs
8th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on FADs-ANNOTATEDAgenda items Documents 1 Opening of the meeting 2 Adoption of the agenda 3 Review of recommendations from the 7th meeting of the FAD Working Group 4 Advances on biodegradable FADs in the EPO 5 FAD data reporting established in Resolution C-19-01 & C-21-04 6 FAD fishery indicators 7 Initiatives to reduce impacts of FADs fishing 8 Conclusions and recommendations 9 Other business 10 Adjournment -
Meeting documents
Informational documents
INF-A. POSEIDON FAD limit scenario Posted on 06 Jun 24 -
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15th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee
10 Jun - 14 Jun 2024-
15th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee
15th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee - ANNOTATEDAgenda items Documents 1 Opening of the meeting 2 Adoption of the agenda 3 The fishery in the EPO 3a The tuna fishery in 2023 SAC-15-01 4 Tropical tunas: stock assessments 4a Stock status indicators (SSIs) 4b Bigeye (BET) benchmark assessment 4c Yellowfin (YFT) benchmark assessment 4d Skipjack (SKJ) benchmark assessment 5 Tropical tuna: development of harvest strategies 5a Evaluation of current conservation and management measures 5ai Investigation of the impact of the IVT program on BET catches 5b BET Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) 5c Tropical tuna harvest strategies 5d Staff recommendations for conservation and management: tropical tunas 6 FADs 6a Report of the FADs WG 7 Temperate tunas and other species 7a Pacific bluefin tuna (PBF): ISC stock assessment 7b PBF: MSE and harvest strategies (ISC and joint IATTC-WCPFC-NC WG) 7c North Pacific albacore tuna (NP-ALB): ISC harvest strategies 7d South Pacific albacore tuna (SP-ALB): WCPFC harvest strategies 7e Staff recommendations for conservation and management: temperate tunas and other species 8 Ecosystem and bycatch 8a Sharks 8ai Shark species under the purview to IATTC 8aii IATTC shark sampling program 8aiii Proposed best handling practices for sharks SAC-15-11 8b Climate change 8bi A climate change workplan for the IATTC SAC-15-12 8c Staff recommendations for conservation and management: ecosystem and bycatch 8d Report of the Ecosystem and Bycatch WG 9 Staff recommendations 10 Other business 11 SAC recommendations 12 Adjournment -
Meeting documents
Informational documents
Annual summary reporting - scientific observers for longline vessels (Resolution C-19-08)
Background documents
Bigeye tuna: Stock Synthesis files
Skipjack tuna: Stock Synthesis files
Yellowfin tuna: Stock Synthesis files (exploratory assessment)- 1st External review of data used in stock assessments of tropical tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean
- 1st External review of modelling aspects for stock assessments of tropical tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean
- 2nd Workshop on improving the risk analysis for the tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean: model weighting for integrated stock assessments
- SAC-14 INF-P Shark Sampling Program for Central America